Cleaning at “The Grotto” Continues

Cleaning at “The Grotto” Continues

Our ongoing cleaning cleaning project continues to progress. Dump runs and trips to the recycle center continue. As soon as some critical plumbing repairs are made we will bring out the heavy equipment in the form of floor scrubbers and pressure washers.

A word about vacuuming

I’ve done a lot of it lately! Floors, walls, ceilings, and let’s not forget upholstery. As soon as we clear the debris from an area we start in with the vacuums and go and go and go… and go some more! You get the picture. I’ve developed a love-hate relationship with my commercial backpack vacuum.  I love its power and the ability to safely climb ladders and scaffolding while wearing this marvel of modern cleaning technology. But I’m literally growing tired of our relationship. Day after day. Week after week. Always whirring in my ear and needing its bag changed.

The Woodworking Shop

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Whenever I’ve had enough of the backpack vacuum I take a break and put a little time into organizing the woodworking area of the Bee Tree Folk School. Today the radial arm saw and small table saw were re-assembled and set up for operation. Workbench number one and pegboard number one were put into place. There will soon be many more workbenches and pegboards lining the floors and walls. I’ll be using this modest shop a lot just to get things in shape for our first musical event on April 14th.; the Bluegrass Guitar Masters in Concert.

I have done enough cleaning and hauling to officially declare that “The Grotto” is finally clean enough for friends and community volunteers to join our workforce. If you want to join in the fun just get in touch by email or fill out our contact page. I you prefer not to get dirty, just send money!

In the meantime… mark your calendars for April 14th, 2018 at 7:30 pm. Admission is free, but donations will be gratefully accepted.